Tom’s Personal Service
With the new design and feel of the website I am offering a new area for interested members and that is “Tom’s Personal Plays”. Over the last 12 years I have established myself as the most honest and one of the best handicappers in the country with the current format but it can at times be restricting.
This service will in NO WAY change the current plays or success we have had. You will still receive the quality of plays in the exact same manner as you always have but this new option is for the members who want to take their experience to the next level. I have been asked many, many times to work personally with clients and in the past I have with some select few I have decided to open the doors to anyone who is interested. Often times because of the structure of the current site I am unable to give out plays I play personally. If I catch a line I think will move early in the week, or I will not get a late weather or injury report until just before game time I can not effectively post this on the website due to time restraints on when plays need to be posted, but have made a great profit myself in playing these angles and now will offer that to you.
In addition this will allow me the ability to personally manage your bankroll more effectively, be able to give you lines and movements at a moments notice as well as give out plays that normally I would have my hands tied with because of the structure of the current site. If you are interested in working with me personally please feel free to reply by email to TomBartonSports@gmail.com or give me a call at 702-768-0015 and we can discuss the best business plan moving forward. This will include playing games early or late, waiting on key information, and I can also tell you which casino is offering the best prices so you can shop for the greatest lines. This offer is for people who do not want this as a recreation but more of a true investment opportunity.
Please understand this is not an upgrade or sales pitch. This in no way is an up sell or different angle this is only from experience that it is difficult at times to react to breaking late news when plays are posted at 11 am east coast time and sometimes games do not go off for almost 12 hours later. I have tried to use Twitter and emails to give members this information when I can but both are unreliable sources so this is an avenue I am exploring with great success.